There are three main services we offer

    1. Energy procurementNever pay more than you need to.
      Not sure you’re on the best deal?
      We constantly monitor the market. We know which supplier to move to – and when – to make sure you’re paying the lowest costs.
      It’s good for you and it’s good for your tenants.
    2. Contract managementWe deal direct with the provider.
      We’ll deal with your energy company for you.
      Whatever the issue, we’ll handle it. From changes in tenancy to overbilling, checking invoices, arranging disconnections or sorting out historical charges.
    3. Invoice rechargingLeave your tenant invoicing to us.
      When the energy bill for one of your buildings comes in, we can work out how much each tenant has to pay. And take care of the invoicing for you.
      By working directly with Facilities Managers, we’ll make sure tenants are charged quickly and fairly. Whether there are just two or three of them – or two or three hundred.